Eagle Watch

Cook Forest State Park 100 PA 36, Cooksburg, PA, United States

Please bring your binoculars and spotting scopes to the Park Office for a driving tour to eagle hotspots along the National Wild & Scenic Clarion River.  This is the prime time of the year to view bald eagles on their nests and find new nesting sites.  Expect a long car-pool and aggressive hike to some […]

Coolspring Power Museum

Coolspring Power Museum 179 Coolspring Road, Coolspring

Coolspring Power Museum presents an illuminating history of the evolution of internal combustion engine technology.  The museum's collection includes hundreds of stationary engines housed in more than 35 buildings and outdoor displays.

Coolspring Power Museum

Coolspring Power Museum 179 Coolspring Road, Coolspring

Coolspring Power Museum presents an illuminating history of the evolution of internal combustion engine technology.  The museum's collection includes hundreds of stationary engines housed in more than 35 buildings and outdoor displays.

Military Collectibles Show

Jefferson County Fair Ground Brookville, PA, United States

The Jefferson County History Center’s annual Military Collectibles Show will be held at the Jefferson County Fair Grounds in the exhibit buildings. This indoor event of vendors and exhibitors features […]